The Creativity and Innovation in Higher Education Methodologies Graduate Program (PPGCIMES) of the Federal University of Pará (UFPA) was approved by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) in 2016 with the Professional Master’s Degree course. 

The Program aims to educate human resources that are able to conceive, develop, test and evaluate processes, products and creative and innovative methodologies for the teaching-learning in different areas. With this objective, resources of Communication, Education and Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) will be explored to propose solutions for the contemporary challenges imposed to professors and students of the undergraduate degree level.

PPGCIMES intends to help overcoming the challenges imposed to teaching-learning in higher education and for this it is structured upon the Teaching-Learning Methodologies Area of Concentration. It has two Research Lines that act integrated: Methodological Innovations in Higher Education (INOVAMES) and Creativity and Innovation in Educational Processes and Products (CIPPE).

With this perspective, the outline of the course is constituted from multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary movements, pillars that structure the Teaching area, therefore, a naturally chosen domain to anchor this proposal.

There are courses in the Teaching field since 2001 in Pará, a significant amount of them being of UFPA. The existing courses in the Institution are related to the teaching of science and mathematics with a great emphasis on elementary school.

The aforementioned objective establishes the first distinctions of PPGCIMES proposal in relation to the other existing Programs of UFPA, since it can meet the needs of higher education and the four thematic subareas (Humanities, Languages and Social Sciences; Engineering and Technologies; Health and Environment and Sciences and Mathematic) because it is not focused on the resolution of teaching-learning problems of one domain solely.

Currently, the faculty consists on a team of 12 tenured professors that will seek, alongside the students, to carry out researches and the production of methods, techniques, resources and practices that allow the configuration of new ways of teaching and learning in different modalities (face-to-face, distance and hybrid education) and knowledge fields.