Category: Research Cooperation
Federal University of Pará and Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Approved in the 2nd Call of the General International Cooperation Program (PGCI) via the Call n. 02/2015 of CAPES, the project “Comparative matrix of qualitative research with digital technology users” is coordinated by the Federal University of Pará (UFPA) through the Laboratory for Research and Experimentation on Multimedia of the Distance Education Consultancy Committee, of which some professors of PPGCIMES are part. The project maintains an international cooperation with researchers of the Laboratory of Meaningful Interactions (MintLab) of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven), in Belgium.
The proposal was structured from the dialogues and work meetings started in 2014 between the UFPA and KU Leuven groups. In these occasions, the current ongoing researches of both groups were discussed, especially those related to Digital TV and second screen. The meetings allowed the consolidation of the project approved through PGCI, which aims to elaborate a comparative matrix of the elements that constitute the qualitative researches carried out in Brazil and Belgium from an oriented study about the methodologies applied for the evaluation of user experience developed by the involved groups. The project also has as a partner the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS).
As specific objectives, it is hoped to educate human resources both in undergraduate and graduate levels of the involved research centers to execute and/or collaborate in innovative qualitative researches; to promote visit scholar programs and exchange scholar programs; to foster academic exchanges and the participation of professors in international events and in publications on high impact journals.
The project has done an internal Workshop on March 10th, 2017, in UFPA, for discussing the first block of activities of the project as well as an Online Workshop on March 31st, 2017, which had as participants professors and students of UFPA, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven) and UFRGS.
The GLOBAL ITV project was approved in the 2nd Brazil-EU Call 13/2012 of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), which integrates the Cooperation Brazil-European Union Program in partnership with the Seventh Framework Program me (FP7). From 2013 until 2015, the project sought to develop an interactive TV platform that would give users new functionalities and multimedia services. The project had the collaboration of researchers and companies from Brazil and Europe. For the UFPA team, the national co-executer of the project and which had people that are now involved in PPGCIMES, it was addressed the Work Package 5, responsible for the tests and evaluation of the platform developed in GLOBAL ITV. This Work Package had the task of: verifying the interoperability of the platform and of the services of one end to another of the technology use (application, use, reception and decode); organizing tests to validate and demonstrate services; validating of the project based on the final users’ acceptance, considering the realities of Europe, Brazil and, more specifically, of Amazon; studying and determining the conditions to adopt the system; and defining strategies to implement the system of GLOBAL ITV. What follows are some images of the tests in UFPA:
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Federal University of Pará and University of Brighton
The project “The Interdisciplinary Matrix of Theories: understanding the impact of innovative technologies on arts, engineering and communication students” gathered European and Brazilian partners. In Brazil, the involved institutions were: the Federal University of Pará, which had the collaboration of professors of PPGCIMES, and the São Paulo State University Júlio de Mesquita Filho, the national coordinator. The proposal of the project was to develop a theoretical-methodological matrix to evaluate the uses and appropriations of new technology by young people based on the experiences of the Computing, Engineering and Communication fields. Through this initiative, UFPA received Lyn Pemberton, professor of the University of Brighton, in England, for a research mission in Belém. The research mission included work meetings, a course about research methodologies in new media, the establishment of publications and exchanges agendas, among other activities.
Partnership with the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation and the Health Ministry
The Federal University of Pará, through the Laboratory for Research and Experimentation on Multimedia, which integrates the activities of PPGCIMES, keeps a partnership with the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) and the Health Ministry to offer a professional qualification course in Medicinal Plants and Herbal Medicines in Primary Care. The Laboratory is working on the didactic-pedagogical conception of the activities, in the management and production of didactic resources in different languages and in the development of ways to monitor and evaluate courses.